2012 marks a transition for TNR. As most of you know, Craig Webb has retired and relocated to Traverse City. I will attempt to do the TNR blog justice be compiling a weekly report. In doing so, there will be the obligatory references to pain, suffering, heaven, hell, fire, brimstone, Rambo 4 and Bruce Lee. The plan is for me to distribute the summary to the CFT Team and then Craig will copy it to the TNR blog.
Also, everyone should be aware of a few matters; Remembering names and faces, Craig good, Steve bad. Accurately reporting what happens at sprints, Craig in the mix, Steve usually viewing from the backseat. So, that means one of two things. 1. I will need to quit my job to double my weekly mileage in an attempt to report the sprint results. Or, make shit up. Onward we go.
The ride, March 13, 2012
Temperature 61, Sunshine and Westerly winds 15-18mph.
Odd, is the initial word. It was odd not to have Webbcorp greeting new faces and odd not to be gathered together for a group photo. But, new leaders will emerge and someone will remember to bring a camera.
35, is the initial number. I may be one or two off, but that was the count I had when we rolled out. Amazing. Familiar faces, the Msu boys, Adam York, Cary, Zach, Wade, Dave Joos, Kevin Gamper, the list goes on. Some new faces, John Cisler and a few others. Noticeably absent other than Webbcorp, Cary’s trusty Blue steel steed. Replaced with some new fangled, space aged thing. This probably played a major factor on why things blew up right after we crossed Columbia Road. The surge left debris scattered for ¾ of a mile. It continued like that for most of the ride. Like Charleton Heston trying to control his Chariot, it is not going to happen when those horses want to run.
With two flats on the ride, light became a concern and the Catholic Church Road loop was left out. We should continue the 5:30 start at least through March and then make a decision on when to switch to a 6pm start. Until next week; sjs,,, Note, rumor has it there will be a Webbco sighting for next week’s ride.
Other stuff:
Spartan Speedway: I did get email confirmation last night from the owner that re-affirmed his permission to park there. His one request,, leave no trash, and if you see some, pick it up. He also indicated that there should be a porta-john out there soon that we can use.
Some notes regarding Barry Roubaix. CFT will have a tent and our team banner there, use that as a pre-ride gathering spot. Also, if I recall correctly, last years race had about 500 racers and there was a substantial line of traffic to enter the park. This year’s ride has 1500. Suggestion, get there early.